Pomeranian and heatwave: how to protect it and react?

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A heatwave is a phenomenon that threatens everyone, humans and animals, during particularly hot summers. When the Pomeranian suffers from heat stroke or has been exposed to high temperature for too long, he risks a reaction manifested by various symptoms that must be diagnosed to know how to remedy them.

Signs of heatstroke

The Pomeranian is also sensitive to intense heat. The dog does not sweat and cannot cool its body temperature like a human can. It does not have sweat glands, except on its foot pads, and must therefore use its breathing to regulate its temperature. We see this in particular by the fact that he pants while sticking out his tongue when he is too hot. You can recognize heatstroke after observing certain symptoms: rapid and difficult breathing, vomiting and diarrhea or muscle tremors. The dog may also appear particularly lethargic or lie down and pace around. You must then intervene quickly before he loses consciousness and do not hesitate to call a veterinarian in case of doubt.

Precautions to take

A few precautions to adopt during the summer will keep you out of trouble. It is safer to keep your pet indoors during heatwaves and take them out preferably at certain times (early morning or late afternoon). Likewise, avoid letting your dog walk on asphalt or concrete as much as possible, which can go so far as to cause burns under the pads. It is best to walk him on fresh grass and check the underside of his paws when you return from the walk. Do not hesitate, if you deem it useful, to relieve him by covering him with a cold, damp towel or to improvise a cooling system with a bucket of ice cubes and a fan to guide the cold air over him. There are even commercially available cooling mats designed for this purpose. Be careful, however, not to use water that is too cold, which would be dangerous for your health.  

Regular hydration and healthy lifestyle

In periods of intense heat, it is important to change the Pomeranian 's water even more often than usual so that it is always fresh. The water fountain is a good alternative to keep the water fresh and attractive and encourage the dog to come and hydrate more often. The Pomeranian 's fur is naturally protective against sunburn. So, it is important to leave it to him but to brush him regularly after the moult to remove the old undercoat and help air out his fur for the summer. Depending on the size of your dog and where you live, it is possible to shower him with a garden hose or in your shower tray.

Car risks

You should never leave your dog in your car, even with the windows slightly ajar, for a long period of time. With the windows closed, under no circumstances. In fact, the windows amplify the sun's rays and contribute to raising the temperature to 45 or 50 degrees, which can lead to the death of your animal. If you are traveling for several hours by car, you should bring water to drink regularly. There are specialized water bottles for animals. It is also important to schedule regular breaks.

As in any situation, preventive measures remain the wisest solution, especially since they are not difficult to adopt. Moreover, very often, the dog itself adopts a different attitude when it is hot and takes care of itself by remaining resting in shaded or cool places in the house.

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