How to choose your ideal Miniature Spitz: Guide for future owners.

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Introduction :

Choose your ideal Miniature German Spitz, known by various names; “Pomeranian”, “ Pomeranian ” (for English speakers), “Loulou de Poméranie”, or affectionately “Pom”, is a joyful and exciting adventure.

This article will only deal with Miniature German Spitz puppies, born to parents with pedigree , whether for Show or Company.

Before you even begin your search, a crucial question will arise: are you looking for a tender and beautiful family companion or a dazzling Show dog?

This Miniature Spitz guide attempts to guide you through the essential considerations to help you make the best possible choice.

Of course, many of you will be looking for a Show quality dog, even if the future owner has no intention of participating in dog shows. In France, however, do not forget that the dog, from 12 months old, will have to pass its confirmation at the standard to obtain its definitive LOF. More information on the Centrale Canine (SCC) website ; click HERE . This is not the case in many other countries.

Whether your heart leans towards a faithful friend or a competition champion, let's look at the different criteria together.

Choosing an ideal Pomeranian for Show or for Company only: What is the difference?

The decision to adopt a Miniature Spitz often involves a first big question: are you looking for a show dog or just a pet?

When it comes to choosing your ideal Miniature Spitz, understanding your intentions and expectations is fundamental.

It will all depend on your own goals. And this will determine the choice of breeding and the budget.

Show Miniature Spitz and Pet Miniature Spitz can come from the SAME LITTER, but depending on their physical and behavioral qualities; they will be destined for very different life paths .

Needless to say, show Pomeranians also make excellent companion dogs; one not preventing the other.

The Pomeranian for Dog Shows:

These dogs are (or should be) the crème de la crème of the breed. They are bred to represent the breed standard in dog shows, which means they must meet specific criteria in terms of size, color , bone structure, coat, teeth, shape. eyes, movement, and even temperament.

For the Breed Standard : Click HERE , or

Show dogs require meticulous grooming and constant training, as they will be judged on their appearance, physique, and behavior in public.

Additionally, owning a show dog can involve frequent travel and active participation in the dog show world, which can be both expensive and time-consuming.

If you are looking for a Miniature Spitz of this quality, you will have to turn to recognized breeders near you in France, Belgium or anywhere in the world. According to certain renowned lineages, you should not hesitate to move to other continents.

In all cases, check that you are contacting a recognized breeder specializing in the breed. He alone will be able to give you confidence and guide you in your choice!! Don't hesitate to ask him any questions.

Now, let's see how to go about selecting a Pomeranian puppy for Show:

Show quality dwarf spitz puppy

Finding a show Pomeranian puppy requires patience and expertise.

You will need to choose a recognized breeder who produces the “type” – or more precisely – the lines of Pomeranians that you like.

Whether in France, Belgium, Russia, USA, Thailand or any other country, when you have found a trustworthy breeder, you will need to learn as much as possible about your future puppy and carefully “study” the lineage of your future “Champion” .

Warning : International Champion lines do not necessarily produce Champions, but we will say that it helps!

Do your research methodically and without rushing!!

The first mistake ; You rush, at the sight of a FB photo, on a 2 month old puppy!! I admit: we've all done it: these balls of fur are so beautiful at this age, how can we not succumb! This is a MISTAKE !!

Experienced breeders will tell you: It is difficult to predict with certainty how a 2-3 month old puppy will develop.

Therefore, breeders who master their lines well will also advise waiting several months. They will often recommend that you wait for the crucial stages of its development, in particular the change of teeth which occurs around 7-8 months, but also the quality of the hair, before committing definitively. It is also at this stage that you will be able to estimate whether the size of the puppy will meet the requirements of the FCI standard, i.e. between 18 and 24 cm. Be careful, genetics sometimes hold surprises, and we sometimes see growth spurts after the 7-8 month mark.

So yes ! Waiting involves a considerable emotional sacrifice because these puppies, real teddy bears, are irresistible. It is difficult not to give in to the impulse, and accept this endless wait.

During this period some breeders will present your future puppy for you; you can therefore be reassured depending on the results. What a great experience for your future pomeranian !

However, it is crucial to remember that these puppies will soon begin a major molt, a process during which they will lose an impressive amount of hair, revealing the famous 'monkey mask' and a frail body. I must admit that they retain, despite everything, a certain charm, don't you think? This also allows us to appreciate their structure, their approach.

Let us note, however, that some Pomeranian puppies do not go through “stripping moults”, these are sometimes much less spectacular, however they do happen!!! Its very important !! (we will talk in another article about alopecia X (BSD), a disease that affects Miniature Spitz).

Miniature Spitz with a stripping molt
Stripping moult

One last recommendation, and not the least!!

Whatever country you find your “Pom”: go get it !!!!

Photos and videos are not enough to ensure that the required quality is there!! In addition, breeders will take you into greater consideration if you travel! On site, we sometimes have good and bad surprises. The fact of traveling creates, and this is important, strong friendships between breeders and adopters. What a pleasure to learn a few “little secrets” and discover all the little ones making up the breeding you have chosen!

Let's summarize:

We have just seen it; choosing a Miniature Spitz puppy, ideal for dog shows, is not an easy task! For future owners, it is a journey that requires a lot of patience, knowledge, budget and often, a bit of emotional sacrifice.

However, with trusted breeding, waiting for the right moment and observing these key stages of development, you will maximize your chances of acquiring a dog that will not only steal your heart, but will impress in the rings and amaze the judges.

Of course, if you are looking for a Miniature Spitz with this goal; you will understand that all this represents a high budget, sometimes even VERY high. Find our article: Click here or

The pet Pomeranian:

Pet Spitz
Pet puppy. photo illustration source Google

The big advantage in this research is that nothing forces you to wait beyond 2-3 months to adopt your future companion. The requirements are not the same. Your fur ball will fill you with happiness more quickly and you will be able to “baby”.

Although they are not intended for exhibitions, these Pomeranians are just as worthy of attention and are not necessarily of poor quality. Some, with their little flaw, are even of great beauty!

They may have small variations that don't exactly fit the strict breed standards, but these flaws in no way affect their ability to also be very handsome dogs.

On the other hand, with these subjects, reproduction will generally be avoided.

Like all pets, they are perfect for those looking for an affectionate, sociable animal to snuggle up on the couch, walk in the park, or play with the kids. Their grooming and care are generally less demanding than that of a show dog, and they are just as beautiful. They will also play their role of concierge and sound alarm perfectly, don't worry!!! (hahahaha)

Their price, more accessible, can also vary depending on the reputation of the breeding; I refer you to this article / Click HERE

In conclusion :

Whether your life is illuminated by the presence of a Miniature Spitz as a devoted companion or illuminated by the trophies of a show dog, each path offers unique rewards.

This article is designed to help you navigate this important decision, ensuring that your choice complements your life harmoniously.

Remember: Whether your Pomeranian is destined for the stage or the couch or both, every puppy deserves love, care and respect, he will return it to you a hundredfold!!!

Good luck in your quest for the ideal Pomeranian.

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